Are you intimidated by the idea of starting a new business? Well, you are in good company. Right now, more people are starting new businesses more every day than at any other time in history. Is this merely for the sake of survival, or seizing an opportunity that was put off for far too long?
There is no doubt that many Americans are concerned about their ability to survive the pandemic’s modified job market. Most office jobs have morphed into hybrid work from home, remote work, or online jobs, and many jobs have been all but eliminated. Many of the jobs lost will be gone forever, as the employers have had to close their doors, never to return.
It is an extremely stressful situation, one that could have you facing the concept of being without a reliable income source any time soon, and you must find a way to survive. If that is you, you may have thought that you can still find a way to survive by starting a business and offer your services to others, where you call the shots and are able to telecommute or work from home on a freelance basis.
Or you may have been considering starting your own business for a long time, but your job and life was going well enough that taking the risk to go out on your own seemed well outside of your comfort zone. Now that times are unstable and you are not as comfortable as you might have been, the idea of starting a business of your own appears to be more appealing as these unprecedented times continue to linger.
Then there are those that see this as the best time of all to launch an independent business that targets the needs of those dealing with mitigating the difficulties associated with the prolonged pandemic lockdown. For these types of new businesses, now is the time to strike while the iron is hot.
There is little doubt that now is the time for you to consider joining the increasing percentage of American workers who are taking advantage of this time to become business owners and potentially increasing their sustainable cash flow well beyond their means as an employee working for someone else.
Yet, if you are like the majority of Americans who feel the entrepreneurial nudge to start a business, you may find yourself intimidated by the idea of starting a new business, because of ideas that get in the way, preventing you from making the leap to business ownership.
The Top New Business Intimidators include unfamiliar territory, unworthiness, embarrassment, lack of expert status, poverty mindset, and fear of success. Don’t let these things get in the way of your potential for success in this life.
My biggest concern for you is that you do not take this opportunity to seize this opportunity and let it pass you by. Don’t be one of those people who live their whole lives in regret for not stepping out in faith to try something that may have had a huge impact on their life. This is your chance to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.