
Telecommute Job Online COVID Pandemic Edition by David M Masters

Telecommute or Move Your Job Online Keep your job work from home working remotely or telecommuting Create and maximize your financial abundance during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Employees, small business owners, organizations, industries, corporations, and families who have been negatively affected by the issues surrounding the pandemic will benefit from this COVID edition of Telecommute Job Online, delineating the vast opportunities which can be taken advantage of in these unprecedented times.

With this book, you will be able to transition from the low end of the spectrum, whether you are an employee or an employer. You can easily move from one level to the next using the tips, tools, and techniques that Masters provides in detail.

Employees are bargaining for the best possible accommodations and enjoying freedom, enjoying all the benefits of telecommuting, and working from home, and they are loving it.

Most businesses are on either end of the spectrum, on the verge of bankruptcy, or profiting wildly, taking advantage of every opportunity.

Whether you need to get a job, save your business, or spread your wings to fly in the new business economy that is expanding at a rate never before seen in America.

As a business consultant, Masters is fortunate enough to be in the trenches of this pandemic, seeing how employees and businesses are struggling to survive during the most difficult of times to be visited on this generation. If you are focused upon the media reports, your outlook would be fearful and you might be counted among the millions of people who are suffering the effects of this COVID-crisis, including depression, any variety of mental illness, and suicidal ideation.

At the same time, businesses, are adapting, retooling, and taking advantage of these tough times, and enjoying the profits from doing so. Employees are bargaining for the best possible accommodations and enjoying freedom, enjoying all the benefits of telecommuting and working from home, and they are loving it.

Amidst all the chaos, more Americans are starting new businesses more than at any other time in history.

Shouldn’t you count yourself among those thriving? These pages are for you, the employee, the small business owner, and the latent entrepreneur. Take this opportunity to reclaim your powerful life, achieve your highest and best, live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

David M Masters is a father, grandfather, entrepreneur, business consultant, Olympia Life Coach, lead trainer, and founding member of St. Paul’s Free University.

He now enjoys helping others achieve their highest and best while celebrating life from his headquarters located in the scenic Pacific Northwest in Washington State.

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Telecommute Job Online COVID Pandemic Edition by David M Masters