Everyone came to this planet with a unique set of skills, abilities, message to deliver, and purpose for this life. Once you align with your purpose, your life makes sense, though most people do not recognize that they have a purpose or a mission to accomplish in this life. Thanks to the pandemic lockdown, many people are awakening to the idea, and they are embracing their individual callings and taking this time to change their lives fully engaged and on purpose. Maybe it is time to unleash the real you.
In this process of awakening, people have the wherewithal to think freely. They are thinking about their jobs and how they came to work there. Someone, a normal person just like you and me, decided to carve out their own path, to engage in his or her purpose in life. This gave you and others the opportunity to work for a living in exchange for supporting their dream.
Now, more than ever, people are waking up and saying, “Why shouldn’t I be the boss?” And millions of Americans are reaching out and launching their own businesses, organizations, and starting projects, more than any other time in history.
15% of working Americans are starting new businesses right now, and the number is rising, while more than half of the workers feel like they could run a business better than the people they are working for. You could be part of the rise in people taking advantage of this incredible opportunity.
Should you be one of the new start-ups that takes advantage of this opportunity to start your own business?
Some people react differently to being sheltered in place for long periods of time. Some will see it as involuntary imprisonment and they will get depressed, sick, and tired, developing mental illness and disease, while others will see it as an opportunity to think, plan, create, incubate, and launch something amazing. In a perfect world, they will create an expression of their own individual message, mission, and calling.
So, what is holding you back?
If you are like everyone else who has the idea to strike out on your own but are hesitant to, it is likely that you are suffering from the same blockages as others who are not taking action on their inner calling to take action and claim their independence.
Therefore, it is perfectly normal if you start second-guessing yourself. This is common, normal, and it is no surprise because since you were born, you were programmed by your family, caregivers, friends, teachers, mentors, and society in general, not to reach to high, not to expect too much, and not to overstep your bounds, because the best you could hope for would be to be lucky enough to get a good-paying job working for someone else.
Then there is your inner voice, which is doing everything it can to protect you. It wants you to stay small and safe. Your inner voice will pretty much tell you anything to keep you from taking a risk and spreading your wings to fly.
Plus, you are afraid. It is risky enough to trust someone else, a company that you do not control, to “be there” for you today and into the future. Things are uncertain enough now, working for someone else. What if there was no one to rely on (or to blame) but yourself? Then, where would you be?
What if you fail? How embarrassing would that be, to have all your friends and family laughing at you because you believed in something or tried something that everyone else was too afraid to try, and you flop? So, you convince yourself that it is better not to try at all, than to risk failure.
You don’t have the money to start a business. Maybe you are not thinking that one all the way through, because many businesses, especially now, can be started on a shoestring budget (or less) if you can reconfigure your idea to be mostly digital and taking advantage of all the free (or inexpensive) tools that are out there that you can use to launch your new business.
Listen to your higher self, not your whiny inner voice. This is the time to unleash the real you.