
You Have a Great Idea

“I got it!”

You have a great idea. What are you going to do about it? It is undoubtedly the best idea in the world. You could do what other people do, that is to file it away, hoping that someday someone who is capable will pick up your idea and make millions of dollars and give you a piece of the action (royalty money). If you do that, you can be pretty sure that you will have the same experience that others have had; which is to be watching TV or surfing the Internet to watch your idea or invention to be all over the media for sale. How does that make you feel?

Why does that happen?

Because if you do not follow through with your idea, the source of all ideas, which seeks to see these advancements given to the world, will find someone else who will proactively take it to the market and the world. The universe is ever-expanding and will not wait for you. If you don’t do it, someone else will.

What if you do?

If you are the recipient of an original idea or concept which has not been released, you have had a great gift bestowed upon you. If you get that, you do whatever you can to take your gift to market. So, you put your heart, soul, and everything into it. You cherish the idea, loving and caring for it as much as if it were a newborn child.

You answered the call, and you did everything you could, but you did not achieve the results you expected. It is your baby, and it does not make you feel very good to have your baby rejected by the world. Regardless, you have stepped out in faith and been faithful.


Rarely, if ever, do you hit it out of the park, the first time you swing the bat. Now, most people walk away dejected. They give up and never try to play again. They are disappointed and feel as though all their hopes and dreams were crushed in one fell swoop. And these people miss the real thing that is happening at this moment.

What is really happening?

The universe is so proud that you picked up the bat and took a swing at the ball that was lobbed over the base in your direction. The universe has another ball ready to throw to you as you are increasing your skills and readying for the next game. The universe is ready to take you to the next level. That is, unless you walked away from the first game and have sworn off playing ever again.

By staying in the game, you are rewarded. Either your original idea goes through a metamorphosis and emerges as an even better or idea, or it fails completely, and you are given an even better idea for your next game.

The moral of the story?

You are given a calling and purpose in life. You may be afraid, but you have been gifted an opportunity to reach out and make a big move. You may accept the gift and do something with it, or not, walk away and let it go to someone else. No judgment here. No one will blame you. We are all doing the best we can with what we have. If you accept the challenge, know this may not be your homerun but your efforts will be rewarded if you are diligent and hang in there. Prepare yourself for the journey as well as possible, keep a focused eye on all the details, and track everything. This information will be invaluable as you press on.

And keep on keeping on.