
Now is the Time to Start Your Own Business

Maybe now is the time that you took your own survival into your own hands. At any other time, it might have been too frightening a concept to consider starting your own business, but now may be the best time ever, as more people are starting their own businesses than ever before in history.

If you have been waiting for a sign, here it is:

Now is the Time to Start Your Own Business

And it makes sense, when faced with the growing seriousness of the pandemic, people are either content with telecommuting or not, and others are tired of resigning themselves to unemployment, so they are taking matters into their hands.

If in the new economy, you are going to be working from home, you might as well consider working for yourself, right? Be your own boss. No one else’s arse to kiss. The buck stops with you.

It is time to put yourself in the driver’s seat.

Of course, you are concerned about not knowing how much revenue you will be able to accrue in your own venture, it is uncertain, but you could make far more working for yourself than working for someone else. And think of the advantages of not having someone tell you what to do “or else.”

Almost immediately, if you have never thought about going into business for yourself, you will start to talk yourself out of the idea, thinking thoughts of unworthiness, “but I don’t have an MBA,” or other negative self-talk designed to keep you from exerting your right to independence. Do not let that hold you back.

Millions of Americans are starting new businesses right now, and half of them have no experience whatsoever.

Or you might think that you do not have what it takes, like the investment seed capital to start your business. That should not stop you either, because there are so many businesses that you can start with little or no investment, especially if you take advantage of digital and business support services to help you pick up the slack in running your own venture.

Right now, we are seeing that the businesses that are thriving are those with little or no overhead. Brick and mortar businesses are cashing in their leases and embracing online technologies, and your new business could be one of them.

The key is finding the right marketable product, skill, or service that is something that feels so good to you, that pursuing a self-made career in that thing would not even appear to be like work at all. Ideally, your business venture would be something that you are really passionate about as you share it with others and rake in the cash for doing so.

You came to this planet with a unique set of skills and abilities. Now is the time to embrace the gifts God gave you and let others pay you for doing so. This is the way life was meant to be lived, each one of us fulfilling our own destiny. Industry has tried to make us believe that there is nothing to look forward to other than trying to get a good education and a good job (and they have done a really good job of that over the last 150 years, but we’re not taking it anymore).



Make Your Own Work from Home Job Online

Feeling like you are missing the boat? You see your friends are telecommuting and working from home but you have not been afforded the same opportunity. How would you like to create your own work from home opportunity?

You could wait to be invited to remote working for your employer or even pitch your willingness to work for your current employer by telecommuting, or you could become the master of your own fate and start working from home under your own terms and start your own work at home business.

There are tons of opportunities for you to take a stab on, and in most self-employed remote workers, you will find yourself freelancing, offering services to a few clients (or many clients) to create your full-time income stream.

So, keep that in mind as you prepare to more your self-powered job online, and also note that the remote work services that you offer to provide can be anything you like to do. You need not pigeonhole yourself into any one particular offering.

Of course, before you make the leap, you will need all the tools necessary to conduct your services from your at-home office.

When you start putting yourself out there, you will tend to offer more for less. This is based on insecurity when you are starting out, which may lead to your being overwhelmed, with more work than you bargained for.

If you can avoid burnout, you can take the time to hone your offerings so that you can still offer a value but get more than what you are actually worth. And believe me, you are worth far more than you think you are.

Think about this, whatever any employer is willing to pay you or someone in your field, your value is actually five-times what you or anyone else is getting paid. Now that you are your own CEO, you are entitled to a bigger piece of the action.

Start out with what you think is reasonable, then prepare to continue to raise your rates.

As early as possible, try to wrap your head around the idea that you are it. When you are working for someone else, you are at their mercy, but you have someone to complain to, someone to fix things when they break, someone to back you up when needed. When you are on your own, it is all you. There is no one else to fall back on. This is the price to pay for independence.

You will be in charge of rewarding yourself. No one is there to recognize you for your efforts but you. You are the only one to impress with your prowess, so it is up to you also to reward yourself for a job well done.

You are responsible for your own bookkeeping until you grow to a point where you can hire out that part of your work from home enterprise. If you are not keeping the books, sending out invoices, tracking expenses, then you are not getting paid. It may not be your most desired duties (and it often is not among freelancers working from home) but you must do it unless you consider your services to be a hobby on-the-side.

As a self-employed teleworker, you are responsible for figuring out how to provide your own insurance, benefits package, as well as reporting and paying taxes, because you are now not just one of the many people who work at home, you are your own boss of your own home business.

The good news: No one gets to tell you what to do, what not to do, how to act, dress, or boss you around. You get to join the others who are working from home and enjoying all the benefits of remote work.